Late Night Shopping - Friday 8th December 2023

Come along to Budleigh High Street and Fore Street and join in with the carol singing, enjoy the street entertainment on offer and call in to see your friendly local traders who will be open during the evening.
We are hoping for this event to be bigger than ever this year - so save the date in your diary and bring family and friends along.
Opening procession:
Honiton Twirlstars Majorettes, Santa, Exmouth Town Crier, St Peter's School, local Clubs and Societies.
We would love any clubs or societies to join in the opening procession at 6 pm. It'll be a great way of starting the evening and an opportunity to promote your club. If interested in taking part, please call the Budleigh Information Centre on 01395 445275, or be at St Peter's Church by 5.45 pm.
What's On:
The expected schedule for the evening is:
6.00 pm Opening Procession from St Peter's Church to Temple Methodist
6.15 pm Carol singing and service at Temple Methodist car park
6.30 pm Exmouth Fire Engine arrives in Mackerel Square
6.30 pm Twirlstar Majorettes static display outside Rolle flats
6.45 pm East Devon Rock Choir in the High Street
7.15 pm East Devon Rock Choir in the High Street
Throughout the evening we also have Buskers and the Exmouth Ladies Acapella Group performing along the street, the Exmouth Town Crier and the Rollocks Atlantic boat postioned up by the taffic light.
Santa will also be there! After taking part in the procession he'll make his way back to Santa's Grotto at Uphams Antiques in the old Post Office. Bring the children along to meet Santa and receive a present. Entry will be £2.
During the evening don't forget to call into the Temple Methodist who will have their Christmas Tree Festival in the Church and Quizzes and other activites for all in the foyer.
Our thanks to all the entertainers who are coming to perform. Thanks also to James and Matthew Upham for providing Santa's Grotto, Sampson's Butchers for sponsoring the East Devon Rock Choir and Shop Budleigh for organising the Buskers......and a very special thanks to our great traders for keeping their shops open with a warm welcome to all.
Come along and visit the great shops in the town, do a little Christmas shopping and enjoy the festive spirit! It should be a great night. See you there!
The Late Night Shopping event for 2023 is being organised by Love Budleigh - Budleigh Information Centre. The Budleigh Information Centre is a self-funding, non-profit Community Interest Company (CIC) which exists to serve and promote Budleigh Salterton, its residents, visitors, businesses and community.